Thursday, 14 February 2008


Have posted nothing for quite some time now.

Myself and my wife have been looking after my mother, who has dementia, since last March. We had adjusted our lifesytle/work so that we could do this, but now my wife has been diagnosed as having arthritis, which has come as a bit of a blow to put it mildly.

Anyway back to the topic of marcasite.

Have been fairly appalled recently having seen the prices of marcasite jewellery at Gemondo and

their pricing is appalling and they use the hackneyed "was £66 - now £45, you save £21" marketing approach on their site. Also their prices for gift wrapping etc. are staggeringly expensive.

The example of "was £66" is a ring that we were selling for £9.99!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately they manage to make sales by spending large amounts on marketing - their Google spend alone must be incredibly high.

If you want marcasite at a decent price (or a bloody specatacularly cheap price compared to Gemondo) then visit our site at

BTW the quality of our marcasite is without question the best in the world!